Reading Time: What do you care? Your’e quarantined! There are two mistakes people make when listening to audiobooks. The first mistake is that they listen to the book while doing something other than listening to the book. Presumably, these productive hopefuls are still clinging to the myth of multitasking. While most of us can chew gum and walk at … Read More
The Best Books From My 34th Year
What do we do about hard books? You know, the ones. You keep reading the same page over and over again, absorbing none of it. Like attempting to swallow a mouthful of cinnamon. What do we do about those books? Do we struggle through? Or put them down? For Readers, capital “R,” this is a very important question. Because you … Read More
Moderation Application: How To Have Your Cab And Drink It Too…Sometimes
Reading time: 8 minutes, or less than half the time than it takes the entire grit-eating world to make grits. WE ALL KNOW THAT HEAVY DRINKING is not good for us. But, while we don’t want liver disease, we’d like to hold onto some of the benefits: fun, liquid courage, a good excuse to go streaking through the quad. The … Read More
‘Everything in Moderation?’ Wait, how much is that again?
[Reading Time: 9 minutes, or less time than it takes to milk two cows] MICHAEL JORDAN IS FAMOUS for his work ethic and practice routine. If you study Jordan’s career and attitude towards work and practice, you come to an obvious conclusion: to be the best, you really only need to work hard occasionally. “You don’t want to push it,” … Read More
Scenes from Paris IV: Jim Morrison’s Grave, the Orsay, and my British Guest
[READING TIME: ~25 minutes, or about one episode of Saved by The Bell} I’d done it once again. The fact that I’d pulled it off is one thing, but under such a time crunch?! In a rush to meet a friend? That takes poise. Standing there as the warm water beat the back of my head, I glanced down at … Read More
How To Get Full On Less Food
Reading Time: ~4 minutes (or less time than it takes to boil an egg, if you know how…) “We are always looking at the things around us in relation to others.” The Situation Growing up, one of the dietary staples for my brother and me was eating bowls of cereal. Pretty typical. But the problem was that, from ages 8-22, … Read More
How To Get 10% Smarter in 15 Minutes
Reading time: ~5 minutes (or less time than it takes to find your keys) Summary: Walking or biking to your job might actually make you better at it. Imagine in less than an hour you have a huge meeting, or exam or, if you’re particularly troubled, a stand-up comedy set. The venue is 20 minutes away. This thing is huge, … Read More
My Meat Experiment
For 3 years I’ve been eating 99% plants and measuring impact on my health. Now, I’ll do the opposite– this is my Meat Experiment.
How Color Can Trick You Into Health
The salad is not only healthier if it is more colorful; the color variety attracts you to eat more of it
Scenes from Paris II: Luxembourg Gardens, Napoleon, and Midnight in Paris
In Part I of Scenes From Paris, I described the first couple days in Paris– food tours, my frenligh speaking, and a brush with romance. In this Part II, I follow the footsteps of all-time greats like Napoleon and Oscar Wilde and… Owen Wilson… IT WAS CRISP AND COOL on that Saturday morning, just 48 hours after touching down in … Read More