Meditation: My Introduction

[This is Part I of III.  For Part II and Part III on What the Experts have to say] “When I look back at my life, I am happy to have had what most people would consider a successful life, not only in terms of business, but in my relationships and in lots of ways,” said Ray Dalio, founder of … Read More

Allow Myself To Introduce…Myself

Hi, I’m Justin – the person writing this sentence.  That’s me ⇒ That’s me  looking stupid under a big tree —-> You will now refer to me only as “The Dilettante.” If you think that sounds like a superhero name — I agree.  I provided the NYPD with a Dilettante Bat Signal, but they have yet to use it.  This is … Read More

Diverbo: Lessons On Listening (Part III)

Part III: The Town and What I Learned [This is Part III.  To Read Part I, Click Here.  For Part II, Click Here.] The Town, La Alberca The corridor that leads the way towards the town square from the Doña Teresa Hotel acts like a causeway into a different dimension. The streets are extremely narrow – barely wide enough to manage … Read More

Diverbo: Lesson On Listening (Part II)

Part 2: The People and Activities [This is Part II.  If you have not read Part I, click here.  For Part III – here] As soon as I walked into the room, I was nearly brought to tears as I was overtaken by a particular and deeply missed feeling. The fresh smell of linens? The comfort of being in my … Read More

Why Dilettante?

So – what is a Dilettante and what does he do? Well, that depends on who you ask. Actually, it depends on when you ask.  As in what historical time-period. You see, it used to be that the word “dilettante” meant someone with a lot of interests and the means to pursue those interests (whether that be time, money, energy, … Read More

Here’s Why I SUCK as a Blogger

Hiiyaaa Paaaaalll. Allow myself, to introduce…myself. My name is Justin. I am a Pisces, I like writing, and I’ve never been laid. Ipso facto — I started a blog. Now, I realize that you (three friends and mom) have taken the time to read my blog in place of the 1000 other things that you otherwise could be (and probably … Read More

Diverbo: Lessons on Listening (Part I)

Part I – The Arrival [Go to Part II. Go to Part III.] “Seat’s taken.” The now-trite phrase was hurled at me matter-of-factly as the speaker covered the seat with her hand. I was a bit caught off guard. Was this a joke or should I be offended? I felt a bit like a young Forest Gump. Well, except that I was … Read More