Hi, I’m Justin – the person writing this sentence. That’s me ⇒
That’s me looking stupid under a big tree —->

Muir Woods, CA
You will now refer to me only as “The Dilettante.”
If you think that sounds like a superhero name — I agree. I provided the NYPD with a Dilettante Bat Signal, but they have yet to use it. This is the best idea I have for a costume.
So – What is a “dilettante” and what does he do? There ya go..
This blog will (selfishly) provide articles on various topics of particular interest to ME: Travel, Nutrition, Books, Business, Psychology, History and Comedy.
Will they be of interest to you? Hopefully – but I have no clue.
To help you decide – here are 11 reasons NOT to read this blog.
Still want to sign up? Well, usually we don’t pick up hitchhikers – but I’m gonna go with my instinct on this one. Saddle up, Partner! (sign-up on upper right).
All signed up? Here’s my first article. Here are my most recent posts.
Feel free to leave any comments or shoot me a note at steinfelder@thedilettante.org – and thanks for reading.