Moderation Application: How To Have Your Cab And Drink It Too…Sometimes

Reading time: 8 minutes, or less than half the time than it takes the entire grit-eating world to make grits. WE ALL KNOW THAT HEAVY DRINKING is not good for us. But, while we don’t want liver disease, we’d like to hold onto some of the benefits: fun, liquid courage, a good excuse to go streaking through the quad. The … Read More

‘Everything in Moderation?’ Wait, how much is that again?

[Reading Time: 9 minutes, or less time than it takes to milk two cows] MICHAEL JORDAN IS FAMOUS for his work ethic and practice routine. If you study Jordan’s career and attitude towards work and practice, you come to an obvious conclusion: to be the best, you really only need to work hard occasionally. “You don’t want to push it,” … Read More

Five “Stories” For By-The-Fire Reading

For the most part, I dread packing to go home for the holidays.  Often, I put it off until the last minute, forcing upon myself tasks that I all of a sudden must get done before I leave. And even when I finally face the drudgery of deciding which things to take and start stuffing them in my suitcase, I … Read More

How To Prevent Mindless Eating

Want to eat less? Sometimes, it’s just about where, not what, you are eating. Here’s the science and the strategies.

Video: How Oprah’s Advice Can Improve Your Health.

TRANSCRIPT (~ 4 minutes) Oprah hardly needs an introduction. (But I’ll give her one anyway). We all know her as the billionaire media mogul. What most people don’t know is that the principles she used to get where she is can be used to improve our own diet and health.  This makes Oprah one spectacular, if unlikely, nutritionist. What? Oprah? … Read More

How To Get Full On Less Food

Reading Time: ~4 minutes (or less time than it takes to boil an egg, if you know how…) “We are always looking at the things around us in relation to others.” The Situation Growing up, one of the dietary staples for my brother and me was eating bowls of cereal. Pretty typical. But the problem was that, from ages 8-22, … Read More